Numerologist, Artist,
Owner Of Star-Altering Fortune Teller Pavilion
命理師 畫師 星移館主人


The girl who is a numerology painter is named Luna. In the story, Luna has gone through three periods like purgatory. During the period of suffering from hormone-dependent dermatitis, the period of treatment, and the sufferings brought by fate and the gifts of the ancestors, I let go of all the burdens of the past and the desire for happiness in this world. Transform into a more real self, go to your own path, and realize the vow you made to Ksitigarbha Bodhisattva in the temple when you were in your teens or twenties. As a numerologist, she remains rational and indifferent to the vagaries of the world, but at the same time, as a painter, she always puts too much emotion on the world, so her heart is often hurt. How to balance reason and emotion? Just want to be free, Set her free.

命理畫師女孩名叫Luna, 在故事中, Luna歷經了猶如煉獄的三個時期。 患上激素依賴性皮炎時期、治療時期、 和隨著命運帶給自己的磨難 與先人的禮物, 放下了過去種種包袱和 對現世幸福的渴望。 蛻變成更真實的自己, 前往屬於自己的路, 實現自己十多二十歲時 在寺廟裡, 向地藏菩薩發過的誓願。 作為一個命理師, 她對世事的變幻無常保持理性淡然, 但同時作為畫師的她, 總是對世界投放太多感情, 於是心時常會受傷。 理智與感情如何平衡? 只想得到自由, Set her free.


🦄Little Unicorn 🦄 Inhuman World Born 🦄 like dessert
🦄小獨角獸 🦄非人類世界出生 🦄喜歡甜品


A unicorn child with a relatively small body, Because it is relatively small and not very good at flying, Plus the horns on the head look like ice cream cones, Let it be often disgusted by its peers. However, these experiences make it different from other similar I love being close to humans. I love desserts from the human world the most, So not because of my own angle Ashamed like an ice cream cone, Instead, I like myself more. Optimistic personality, likes to encourage others, I want to heal every broken heart. Be with Luna when she is sick, So became good friends.

身型長得比較小巧的獨角獸小孩, 由於比較小巧以及不太會飛翔, 加上頭上的角看起來像冰淇淋脆筒, 讓牠經常被同伴嫌棄。 不過這些經歷反而令牠比起其他同類 更愛親近人類。 最愛吃人類世界的甜品, 所以並沒有因為自己的角 像冰淇淋脆筒而自卑, 反而更喜歡自己了。 性格樂觀,喜歡鼓勵別人, 想要治癒每一顆受傷的心。 在Luna生病時一直陪伴著她, 因此成為了好朋友。


still model Unicorn Dessert Shop Owner 平面模特 夢遊獨角獸甜品屋店主


Bella, a still model, met a unicorn when she was a child, and now she runs a sleepwalking unicorn dessert house. Specializes in unicorn-related desserts. She has a desolate and world-weary personality, and likes to dress up, thinking that dressing up can bring her a sense of security. Keen to watch occult and New Age stuff. Small body, 155cm, Scorpio, AB blood type.

Bella,是平面模特,在小時候 曾經遇上獨角獸,現今開了一 家夢遊獨角獸甜品屋。專門 製作獨角獸相關的甜品。 性格冷清厭世,喜歡打扮, 覺得裝扮能帶給她安全感。 熱衷看神秘學和New Age 的東西。 身型小巧,155cm, 天蠍座,AB型血。


Nightmare Tapir Herbalist 藥師 夢貘

Nightmare Tapir Herbalist

Nightmare Tapir Herbalist,His real name is unknown. He once wandered the world, raised all kinds of strange creatures and phantom beasts, and used dream-eating as the source of magic. He has long sky blue hair, a scarf covering her face, delicate earrings, and a tattoo on her left arm.

夢貘藥師,真名不詳。曾浪跡天涯,會飼養各種奇怪生物及幻獸,以食夢為魔法泉源。 天空藍色的長髮,圍巾遮蔽臉龐,配戴精緻的耳環,左臂有紋身。


Secondary school students Groupies Eating and drinking Irritable and easy to laugh mascot 中學生 追星族 吃吃喝喝 易怒易笑 吉祥物


Fox, is a middle school student. Lively personality, love to be funny, Like to speak foul language. Emotional and easily angered, Likes to win a scolding battle. She doesn't mind being teased and teased, It is the existence of the mascot among friends. She thinks life is simple, Eat and drink, sleep well, Chasing stars every day is life. Like mathematics, learning the violin. 161cm, Gemini, blood type B.

Fox,霍小,是個中學生。 性格活潑,愛搞笑, 喜歡爆粗口。 情緒高漲,易被惹怒, 喜在罵戰獲勝。 不介意被嘲笑戲弄, 在朋友中是吉祥物的存在。 覺得人生簡單就好, 有吃有喝,睡飽飽, 每天追追星就是生活。 喜歡數學,學習小提琴中。 161cm,雙子座,B型血。


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